Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year and the Old Me... (Pt. I)

Well, before I even begin to write my upcoming New Year's Resolutions and the goals I will set for myself, I feel it's best to revisit the 10 goals I set for myself and see how much I have (or have not accomplished) - this is taken directly from my ""Reflections and Resolutions" blog almost a year ago. 

Also to note: Green means I had successfully accomplished that goal; Red means that I failed to accomplish that goal. 

2013 Resolutions:

1) Be happier
2) Be healthier
    -begin exercising
    -improve diet
    -improve dental health
3) Read 75% of books in my reading list
    -also, buy at least 5 e-books
4) Complete my CD collection
5) Make more vlogs on YouTube
    -make at least 25 videos
    -find new channels to subscribe to
    -Be more interactive in YouTube
6) Work on writing skills
    -finish the "Dearly Beloved" series
    -start a new series
7) Learn a new language
8) Take more pictures of family, friends, self, and artistic
9) Deal with nagging tasks
    -check engine light
    -New tires/rims
    -physical checkups
    -dental care
10) Get a girlfriend

6/10 2013 Resolutions Accomplished! 

Wow, I can't believe that I've had such a great year! I mean, it's still a "D", but when so many people struggle to even accomplish even one resolution, this is amazing. I personally was only expecting to only complete 4 of these 10, but I did quite well this year. And with the new year looming around the corner, I'm excited to see just how much further I will grow! Thank you all for an amazing year! Until next time, my fellow readers!

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