I honestly thought it got lost in the annals of the Internet...or something like that. I don't know. The point is, I can't believe my old man-journal is still around! Alright, full disclosure: I Googled myself (and no, the kids aren't calling that!). In the years since my last post in...2015(?!?!?), I may have or not have opened up accounts recklessly here and there and everywhere. Recently, I've been trying to streamline my online usage, narrowing down which websites I am active in versus those that I have started and neglected (like this one here).
I took some time to re-read some of my past writings. I don't remember why I stopped writing altogether. Maybe life just got in the way, somehow, and I just left this all behind. I dug through the analytics and people are still reading my posts (that's surprising), and apparently, through Facebook, even though I don't use FB anymore (I haven't since 2016 or so). Go figure.
Re-reading the posts that apparently got the most views really took me back a bit. I remember what I was doing in 2014, 2015. I remember where I was and where I wanted to be. Now 5 years later, I don't know if I ever got to where I wanted to be, but I definitely have had new experiences since then. Some I didn't think were possible and some were really unexpected. I was at a crossroads: do I delete this all and start over, or just not try again at all, or do I pick this blog up again, sporadically jot down my thoughts and see where it all takes me? At the very least, it could be a means for me to just take time to reflect on myself. Can't really go wrong there. I do have a hand-written journal, but what I write there is strictly for my eyes, and I don't intend to share that with anyone. So having a more public journal of sorts would be pretty interesting to try to have. So, here's to the first few years, the years in between where nothing was written down, and to the many more along way from now on.
Cheers - D. Hipster
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