Thursday, March 20, 2014

Come Learn French with Me? (Part Deux - Days, Months, and Numbers)

Moving on from where the previous post finished, today I'll be reviewing days of the week, the months, and more numbers.

Les Jours de Semain (The Days of the Week): 

Lundi = Monday

Mardi = Tuesday

Mercredi = Wednesday

Jeudi = Thursday

Vendredi = Friday

Samedi = Saturday

Dimanche = Sunday

Les Mois (The Months): 

Janvier = January

Février = February

Mars = March

Avril = April

Mai (pronounced "meh" = May 

Juin (pronounced "jweh") = June

 Juillet (pronounced "jwi-yeh") = July

Août (pronounced "oot") = August

Septembre = September

Octobre = October

 Novembre = November

Decémbre = December

Les Chiffres: 
11 = Onze ("ohnz")

 12 = Deuze ("dooze)

13 = Trieze (think of the Spanish "trés")

14 = Quatorze ("cah-torse")

15 = Quinze ("cans")

16 = Seize ("says")

17 = Dix-Sept

18 = Dix-Huit

19 = Dix-Neuf

20 = Vingt ("van")

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