Monday, August 12, 2013

"The Easy Day Was Yesterday"

Sunday was great! Some plans fell through (like seeing my mechanic and going to the movies), but, what matters most was that I had a relaxing Sunday. I'm really gonna enjoy having my Sundays for the next few months, before I'll have to work on them again.

Moving on, running on Sunday morning was both a blessing and a curse. I learned that my state of being physically unfit is staggeringly frightening. As I have posted earlier, reading Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide has inspired more to improve my fitness altogether. So Sunday was my first day of training, but I didn't pace myself. It wasn't until the second half of my run that made me struggle the most, revealing just how unfit I really am. You couldn't believe how relieved I was after my run. However, tomorrow (on Tuesday), I will run again, even if my body hasn't really recovered at all today (Monday). I hope to improve drastically over the next few months (until late December or early January, I hope). Then, I'm going to attempt Parkour! 

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