Friday, August 30, 2013

"The Fault In Our Stars"

I finally finished reading Robert Ellis' The Lost Witness yesterday. Though it wasn't an "edge-of-your-seat" thriller kind of book (though honestly, I don't know what that looks like), I'm looking forward to reading John Green's The Fault In Our Stars now. I honestly have no idea what this books is about. Like at all. When I stumbled upon the book, it was first featured as "this month's book club reading" at a store, I immediately dismissed it. The Fault In Our Stars didn't really capture my attention at the time. Now friends, fellow bookworms, and even some YouTube personalities were positively responding to how well the story was written. Thus, I impulsively bought a collector's edition the book at a Barnes and Noble (I know, I know - though in my defense, I knew that I would be able to find the book there: the collector's edition of the book was just icing on the cake). So here I am, telling you that I'm about to read the book, while the book is sitting to my right, just waiting to be read. Life is funny like that.

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