Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The City of Angels

All my life, I've always lived just outside Los Angeles. I was always about a 20-minute drive to the downtown area (which is what's usually portrayed in media). As a child, I went reluctantly - my parents would buy fancy perfumes/colognes/jewelry and sell them in the small towns we lived by. As a kid, I wasn't so aware of what was around me. I was often bored since I couldn't go off and explore and such (such is life of a kid in the 90's). As an adult, I made a string of excuses as to why I didn't visit the city - "I don't know how to get there; It's too far; I don't have any time/money; I have no reason to go..." Well, you get the idea. 

In another class (different from the one with the pretty lady), I was tasked to visit the downtown area: to survey the land (and how the land is used) and to take note of some of the history of LA and some of the currently existing landmarks in the city (I learned that some were demolished for more modern buildings). So, I had to go (this assignment is worth about 10% of my total grade! It's one of the bigger ones). 

So let me give you the TL;DR version of my trip (Too Long; Didn't Read - you can thank Reddit for that):

1) Everything's pretty packed together - you can see just about everything that's in LA in about 3-4 hours. Now exploring Los Angeles...that's a lifetime.

2) John Parkinson - the influential architect that helped shaped Los Angeles to be the magnificent metropolis that it is today. 

3) It's pretty awesome and interesting how we can just walk inside some of the buildings (like the Bradbury Building and Biltmore Hotel), but others are closed off to the public.

 Finally, here are some photos that I took  throughout my walk in Los Angeles:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Girl with the Beautiful Eyes

About a month into this year's Fall Semester, I had added an elective (in lieu of an internship - I had failed to be placed in one in the semester's first month) to maintain my full-time status as a Uni student. In this new elective class, there is a girl (of course, right?!) who immediately caught my eye. 

Now, before I move on, let me preface with this fact about me: you know how there are men who are more inclined on a woman's certain features (boobs, booty, or face, for example)? Well, I'm not of those types of men (although, I do appreciate beauty just as much as the next guy). Instead, it's the features that are often under appreciated that seem to lure me in (and if you've read my post about foreign accents, you'll know what I mean...I hope).

So! This girl has phenomenal eyes, and I mean exquisite. It's like they're brimming with passion. I can't quite put my finger on it. Not even Rachel or Sophia had eyes like hers. I couldn't tell you why, but it was her eyes that stood out to me most. Don't get me wrong: this girl is a dime, 10/10, smokeshow, whatever else you can think of and she's intelligent, funny, and down-to-earth (I actually had to talk to her to learn these things about her - who knew!). Seriously, those eyes, though. Man, I've got to be the most bizarre person on earth to notice such things. 

All semester long, she sat directly in front of me (this specific class uses a long rectanglar desk, similar to those board meeting desks in corporate offices), so we frequently made eye contact and some conversation throughout the semester. For a while, I had debated on asking her out for coffee, but have relented from doing so. After all, simply because someone's nice to someone, that doesn't mean there's interest. People are nice out of courtesy and/or obligation, and that alone doesn't justify anything. However, I am really interested in this girl and I do want to want get to know her more. Regardless, of what happens, I know she's someone who's left quite the impression on me.