Friday, October 19, 2012

Simba Is The New Hamlet?!

          I'm working on some research for a compare/contrast essay for a class. These types of essays are some of the easier styles to write out, in my opinion, but they can also be bland and monotonous. The two subjects I chose for this particular essay are Disney's The Lion King and Shakespeare's Hamlet. I knew that TLK (The Lion King) followed the same footsteps as Hamlet, at least as far as the main plot goes. After all, both kings die, both uncles usurp the throne, and both sons expose and reclaim their kingdoms from their uncles (at least,  that really does happen in the TLK). I knew that both stories were connected as such, since I've had this discussion in my 11th grade advanced English class. Now that I'm on my own, however, I'm finding so many similarities and differences that I didn't cover in that class long ago. It's all so fascinating. I'll probably post my essay here once it's complete and evaluated by my professor. After all, I don't like giving nor receiving crap work to or from anyone.


  1. Sebastian, I love that we talked about this in person too because I felt like an insider with what you posted! The Lion King is such a wonderful adaptation of Shakespeare! I have to ask, do you cry when Mufasa dies? Or is that just me? No matter how old I get, I still hate that part!

    1. You know, I don't think I ever did cry over Mufasa's death, though I do know people who would. I saw the movie when I was younger, but at that time, I was more enthralled by the music and colors, so Mufasa's death was glossed over. As a high school student, I observed Mufasa's death objectively, since I was taking notes for class discussion. I've yet to see it as who I am now, but who knows? Maybe there will be an emotional connection of some sort?
