Monday, September 3, 2012

An Exhausting Weekend...

          While mostly everybody I know is off enjoying this rare three-day weekend celebrating life, as wells not having any responsibilities for the day, I'm finding myself trapped behind 5' by 5' cashier's cubicle, slaving for money that's not mine, dealing with childish adults, and striving to squeeze in some fractions of time for studying. Add this with trying to move from one place to another, as wells as the daily inexorable demands of life, and I can't help but be exhausted. I walk about in a store, stumbling from aisle to aisle, eager to go home. I yawn loudly, and I think people notice. You'd think I'd be sleeping by now, but nope. I'm still frantically trying to squeeze time for homework. I should count my blessings (and don't worry, I am) - I'm just simply worried that I'll just overwork myself and shut down. I'm not at that dangerous level of stress just yet, but I still have to be careful. In the meantime, I still have that digital boob tube best known as YouTube to distract me every now and then. And so, with our further ado, here's something I found the other day. Enjoy!

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